In what way have you contributed to charity?


“I am part of StuCo, and one charity I love helping out is Project150 with their Prom Dress drive. That’s going on right now, and we are helping 1,500 underprivileged families in the district to have their own special prom experience, which is really inspiring.” Jalen Valdecantos, 9

“I have done multiple activities contributing time money towards charities, and most recently, I helped out at the Dance Marathon. Hundreds of kids in the valley came together at UNLV Student Union and danced, which collected thousands of dollars for the Children’s Miracle Network.” Ellen Decastro, 10

“I am involved in the National Charity League, and recently we put on a fashion show at the Galleria Mall. We partnered with boys from the National Childhood Cancer Foundation in order to raise awareness for the cause,” Lindsay Best, 11

“A charitable activity i was able to take part in was volunteering at Promapalooza which is a Prom specifically catered towards the special needs kids. This is part of the reason why I chose Project Inclusion as my charity of choice for Mr. Coronado.” Bailey Goto, 12