Class elections begin


By Kiley Brown

Vote, vote, vote/ Hanging in the courtyard, posters promote the many candidates running for class officer positions. Voting is currently open until Friday, March 6. Photo by Kiley Brown

Voting for class elections is open and closes on Friday, March 6, at 1:15 P.M. To vote, go to this website. Students must fill out their student ID, first and last name and grade level. 

In order to run, participants must have filled out an application on why they are running for office and create a slideshow presentation on a new event they want to bring to the school. Participants also needed two teacher recommendations. If a candidate runs unopposed, they need 150 signatures from students in their class.

“I am the current president, but I want to continue to find new ways to help improve everyday lives at school,” sophomore class president Katelyn Flood said. “Many people are not living their best lives that they can at school, and I want to help plan and execute events that will help others have the best high school experience.” 

Positions include president, vice president, secretary, historian and treasurer. Classes do not have public relations officers and second vice presidents. 

“I want to increase inclusion and participation in the class of 2022,” sophomore presidential candidate Jacob Saletta said. “I feel as if it has been a little down these past two years, so I plan on putting on more spirit events for students. Junior year is a stressful year, but I want to make it a fun year as well.” 

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Kiley Brown is a senior, and it is her third year on staff. She listens to music as much as possible and enjoys writing entertainment pieces. In her free time, Kiley enjoys biking, re-watching “The Office” and “Parks and Recreation” for the millionth time, and hanging out with friends. Kiley is happy to be apart of “The Roar” again and hopes to have a great last year.