Choir takes home superior rating


By Karissa Erven

The concert choir, filled with more than 80 students, sing their songs for the Pre-Festival concert February 23. (Photo courtesy of Karissa Erven)
The concert choir, comprised of more than 80 students, sing in the Pre-Festival concert at UNLV’s Ham Hall on February 23. (Photo courtesy of Karissa Erven)

After practicing daily and singing the Solfeggio as a part of a 6-tone sequence of electromagnetic frequencies, over and over, the Concert Choir went to Festival Tuesday, March 10.

Festival is an annual performance that all choirs from the Clark County School District attend. There are different levels for the different choirs: Madrigals, the highest group, has the first festival, then concert choir, and then bella voce.

The judges started their evaluation with the choir’s first steps on stage. They received a superior rating of one on their posture and composure.

“I’m thankful that they put on the show that they wanted and that I wanted,” Mr. Fleischer, choir director, said.

After they sang three songs, “Kde Sú Kravy Moje,” “Red Red Rose,” and “Ezekiel Saw De Wheel,” the sight reading judge, Mrs. Ligon, walked out and complimented their tone. The choir had to to sing the Solfeggio for Ligon, who gave them an all around superior.

“[Walking up on stage] it set in that this was really it,” Jessie Kate Leventis, senior, said, “This was the last festival I would perform with the people I had been singing with for four years. It was very surreal and seeing some of the old people from choir in the audience made me appreciate my choir experience more.”

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