Stockings benefit those in need


By Izzy Schmidt


It’s that time of year again. Not only is it that time to race down the stairs on that special morning to find presents and a big lighted tree, but it’s also time to give to the less fortunate. Title 1 HOPE hosted its annual Stuff a Stocking Donation Project this holiday season for homeless children and teens in our district to help spread a little joy.

“Title 1 HOPE is the Homeless Outreach Program for Education and is the CCSD homeless program. We currently have over 5,600 homeless students registered already this school year. These are students who have no fixed residence and live in hotels, motels, shelters, cars, and with other relatives,” said Susan Goldman of Title One HOPE.

More than 60 schools requested stockings, adding to about 2,500 stockings needed.

All around Coronado, students filled stockings with small gifts to donate to the cause, stuffing a medium sized stocking with new and inexpensive trinkets. Donations ranged from gloves, books, lotions, gift cards, and perfumes/colognes (staying within $15 to $20 price range). The stocking donations were sent off to the Title 1 HOPE office, where they were distributed. A label was attached to the stocking which includes the child’s age, gender, and grade level.

“We really needed stockings for our high school students, so we appreciated any help we could get,” said Susan Goldman of Title 1 HOPE.

Stockings were collected December 10 at the HOPE office, 2501 Sunrise Avenue.