Siblings share memories


By Skylar Feldman

Photo by Nicole Harvy
Nicole Hardy watches as her sister Erica puts her foot in her own first birthday cake.
Photo courtesy of Nicole Hardy

Brennan from Step Brothers once said, “Maybe someday we could become friends. Friends who ride majestic, translucent steeds, shooting flaming arrows across the bridge of Hemdale.” Perhaps this is your relationship with your sibling.

Sibling relationships are defined in many different ways. They can be annoying, funny, dysfunctional, happy or downright crazy, but they are filled with indescribable experiences.

Nicole Hardy, senior, and Erica Hardy, freshman, have an inseparable bond. From a young age, they not only played together, but they continually helped each other out of sticky situations.

“On Erica’s first birthday, a relative was holding her over her cake, and she kicked it with her foot. Without hesitation, I reached over and literally licked her foot clean. So, instead of Erica having the first bite, I did. There was no way I could let the cake go to waste,” Nicole Hardy said.

This bond is not exclusive to girls; boys have this connection as well. Justin Goldstein, sophomore, and his younger brother define the stereotypical relationship between brothers.

“We were in Sam’s Club, being our normal selves, which is crazy. We ended up knocking over a whole shelf, getting us banned from that Sam’s Club for life,” Goldstein said.

When it comes to a close-knit relationship Grace Green, senior, and Samantha Green, junior, seem to have it. Not only do they do everything together, but when one is down, the other is right there to help.

“I was outside playing with my neighbors, and they called me a shrimp. Samantha came outside and said ‘Don’t call my sister a shrimp!’ and started saying yo mama jokes. Then she finally took me inside to safety,” Green said.

It’s not easy for a boy to live with two girls. Gavin Caci, sophomore, Payton Caci, freshman, and Mikahl Caci, freshman, always have to keep an eye out in order to stay out of the line of fire.

“When we were younger we used to have wars with each other. This one war started due to my brother pranking both my sister and I. There was no way we were going to let him win, so we came up with a plan. I acted like we were going to do this scavenger hunt, so I made up all these different places to stop, but these what he didn’t know, is that my sister was waiting for him at the end. So as we got closer to the end he was excited that he was winning, and before he knew it, he was covered in pancake mix from head to toe. He was so mad, but we were able to get him back,” Payton Caci said.

Whether or not siblings are friends, growing up in the same environment often creates memorable stories.