Students sign off year at yearbook party


By Lorin Enns

A student writes a message to her friend during last year's yearbook distribution party on May 16. Photo by N. Thompson
A student writes a message to her friend during last year’s yearbook distribution party on May 16. Photo by M. Hadley

Students will pick up their yearbooks in the cafeteria on Wed. May 17 at the annual yearbook signing party, hosted by the yearbook staff. Friends and classmates will have time to write in each other’s books where they can share their thoughts, hope for a happy summer vacation, or express the best of wishes for those graduating or leaving Coronado after this year.

“It’s really important to have a yearbook so you can look back on stuff you wouldn’t really remember. It’s a collection of memories, and it sets a reminder of what life is like when you’re young,” Emma Leprovost, 10, said.

The party will be separated by grade with seniors and juniors taking first period and sophomores and freshmen second. Blue signing party tickets were distributed last week, and there is a $2 cost at the door. Students should check in with their teachers and then leave class during their designated period for the event. The event’s layout will prevent students who haven’t purchased a book from getting into food and raffle lines. Books can be purchased at the party for $100. Checks cannot be accepted from seniors.

The yearbook staff will hand out books, organize food lines, and raffle off prizes such as gift cards and other items. Food and beverages are also provided.

“We spend so many months working on the book, and this party is when we get to see all of our hard work in the hands of the people we do it for. I am so excited to share it with the student body,” Tayler Dickerson, Yearbook Editor-in-Chief, said.

The yearbook team has taken months to prepare, create, and place finishing touches on their work, going as far as to come in on the weekend to work on the book. Mrs. Thompson, who also teaches three other classes, has been responsible for directing the creation of the yearbook for over a decade. Her classes begin the process of brainstorming immediately after the book is finished, meaning that the creation of the book begins before the next school year starts up again. The yearbook party celebrates the finalization of a year’s work, and it gives students a chance to sign off the year together with their friends.

“I’m really excited to reveal the book to the student body, and it’s one of my favorite days of the year,” Thompson said. “The struggles are the editing and covering all the events at the school  and all the sports, and 3,300 students in general. The rewards: looking at the book when it’s all done, knowing that we did an amazing job, and the smiles on the students’ faces when they see it,” Thompson said.

This year’s party will be different than those of the past: seniors voted in a “senior polls” portion where specific students were elected to certain categories. These polls, also known as “superlatives,” had categories such as “Talented,” “Jokester,” and “Overachiever.” The poll results were taken and recorded online using Tallyspace, where they were then recorded and photographed for the book. Final poll results will be announced at the senior yearbook signing party and winners will be awarded sashes to be worn at the senior assembly.

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News Editor Lorin Enns has a knack for news and a love for writing. As a senior, Lorin is making the most out of his last year on the news staff with Mrs. Thompson and his peers. He enjoys playing instruments such as the viola, guitar, and ukulele, as well as working as a sound tech at a theatre company outside of school. Along with an appreciation for wordplay, Lorin has a great sense of humor and loves to make people laugh.