Color guard places third at championships


By Valerie Perez

Stop and Pose/After successfully completing their last performance at championships, color guard members pose for a final picture. They scored a 70.94 to earn third place. Photo courtesy of Jersey Beebe

Color Guard took third place at their fifth Winter Guard competition in the Las Vegas Signature Championships at Foothill High School on Saturday, March 30. After placing third with a 70.94 at the “Las Vegas #4,” the stakes were high to see if color guard could place higher at the championships against the six other teams in their AA division.

“I feel like we could’ve done better and earned a higher place, but we still worked our hardest,” freshman Rebekah Hansen said. “It was really nerve racking having to wait several hours for the judges to finally announce the scores, but it was a lot of fun.”

Performing to the songs “Opening Up” and “What’s Inside” from the musical “Waitress,” the team danced in unison, using rifles and purple and white swing flags. Color guard’s theme was waiters and waitresses; the boys and girls wore classic diner attire. The girls danced in pink dresses, and the boys wore slacks and white button downs.

“We’ve been constantly practicing since December,” junior Keeton Lord, captain, said. “Our last competition was our best one, and it showed through our score.”

Color guard is a way of interpreting music into dance using visuals such as flags and weapons. Their team usually performs with marching band, but during this season named “Winter Guard,” they perform five competitions on their own.

“I think this performance was our best one yet,” freshman Jersey Beebe said. “We really wanted to make our last show the best, and we tried really hard to perfect it. I think we did really good, and I’m really proud of my team.”

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Valerie Perez is a junior and has been on “The Roar” staff for three years and counting. Lately, Valerie has been addicted to sleeping in and listening to music by her favorite artists Cuco and Bad Bunny. She loves to go out and spend time with friends but loves to be by herself just as much. Valerie is very dedicated to school and getting good grades, yet she always finds time to be easily distracted and procrastinate.