College fair coming soon


By Izzie Thornley

College Fair!/ Talking to Ms. Tidball, Junior Kayla Bunton learns more about the event. It will occur on Thursday, Oct. 17 in the quad. Photo by Izzie Thornley

Students and parents are invited and encouraged to attend the Southern Nevada College fair on Thursday, Oct. 17, from 6-8 p.m. in the quad. All grades are encouraged to attend in order to obtain more information about colleges.

“I am going to the college fair to learn more about different schools around the country,” junior Brooke Bird said. “I have been receiving many emails from different colleges, and I want to narrow down my options.”

The fair will also be held at Faith Lutheran High School on Wednesday, Oct. 16 from 6-8 p.m. for those who are unable to attend. Over 140 colleges will appear at both fairs, including top universities such as: Harvard University, Stanford University, University of California, Irvine and New York University. 

“I am looking forward to seeing Harvard University at the college fair,” junior Nicole Bratu said. “I want to learn more about the programs they have to offer.”

For a full list of schools making an appearance, use this link. In addition, those who wish to attend can register in advance at this link. Remember to bring your code and/or registration ticket to the fair.

“This college fair will give me an opportunity to learn more about the different schools and hopefully scholarships, so I won’t be drowning in student loans,” sophomore Brady Steele said. “I think that this is a good chance for students and parents to learn more about the next step after high school.”

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Izzie Thornley, opinion editor, is a junior this year, and she has been on “The Roar” staff for two years. Along with writing and editing opinion pieces, she is also a copy editor. She’s a part of the varsity swim team and the president ofNational English Honor Society (NEHS). In her free time, Izzie enjoys listening to music, working out, religiously watching the “Bachelor” franchise, and obsessively cleaning her room. She hopes to attend college in California and either become a criminal defense or family lawyer. Even though she doesn’t appreciate the grammar, she agrees with Mason Ramsey and his lyrics, “If you ain’t got no giddy up then giddy out my way.”