Snowball brightens up student’s holidays


By Oliver Van Aken

Switching It Up/ Instead of the Snowball, last year student council hosted the Ice Cream Social pictures above. The decision was made this year to create a dance for the benefit of the participating students. Photo courtesy of The Prowl

The Snowball is a formal winter-themed dance held by Student Council, Group Social and Cougars United in the cafeteria on Friday, Dec. 13 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Attendance is open to all students. Students  participating in a club or sport receive free admittance. Others interested in becoming more a part of Coronado are able to purchase tickets for $5. 

“I’m gonna be there, and I’m gonna be able to see all of my friends in Stuco Club and in my class,” Daniel Cabanlong, sophomore, said.

Many students can attend school-organized dances such as Homecoming or Prom. However, some students have limited participation in such events throughout the year. The Snowball allows all students to enjoy every aspect of a regular school dance but with all the accommodations they require.

“I absolutely love that Student Council helps to make the Snowball happen,” Jacob Saletta, sophomore, said. “It supports our local clubs, and we also get the privilege to involve our fellow classmates in this great event.”

The Snowball mainly differs from other school-organized dances due to the level of participation from all departments on campus. It was originally created for students to socialize with different kinds of peers, from football players to band musicians. 

“I think the Snowball is a win-win for both the general student body and our kids,” Life-Skills teacher Mr. Manning said. “This event allows friendships to be created on both sides.”

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Oliver Van Aken is a Junior, and this is his 3rd year on “The Roar” staff. This is also his 2nd year being editor, this year he is Opinion Editor. Oliver loves writing features and opinion pieces, especially ones related to current events. In his spare time he enjoys gardening, yoga, reading, and finding new music. He also performs community service work through Young Men’s Service League. Oliver intends on finishing High School and going to college for a degree Journalism/Economics.