April 4, 2017
Dear Mother Nature,
I’m not one to complain or pick a fight with nature, but this is ridiculous. I have a bone to pick with Mother Nature, and I cannot control my frustration any longer. The weather has been different every day this week. On Monday, I was ready to die from heat exhaustion, and now I can’t wait to be released from my education to jump in puddles and sing in the rain. I’ve had enough of this “S’winter.”
Early last week, I had already broken out my summer clothes, sporting shorts and ponytails. I was refusing to go outside and guzzling water. “Death from heat exhaustion” was going to be written on my gravestone, and I was okay with that.
Then, to my surprise, I found myself freezing by the portables, nose running. I was very confused and very cold, but just six hours later, the temperature was perfect. I had almost completely forgotten that Elsa had taken a visit to Southern Nevada.
Don’t even get me started on Thursday’s sudden gusts of extremely violent winds that originally started out as a light breeze. It unraveled my school’s decorations that almost took my foot and my young life on the stairs. Do you find it funny to bring dry dust into our eyes? Allergies are bad enough without the added layer of grime covering our lines of vision.
This has been hard on my body as well as my emotions. The dark and complicated sky satisfies my aesthetic, but the the same old sun pushes my emotions in a completely different direction. I don’t know how to feel.
I don’t know who I’m dealing with or who stabbed you in the back to make you take your anger out on us with your much abused powers, and I don’t know what’s going on in your personal life, but you need to get it together for the sake of Nevadans. Was it us? Did we provoke this with our cars, our factories, our recycling by polluting your judgement as well as your mood? If that’s the case, that was not our intention. We did not want this.
At least make the transition smoother. Coach us into it. Don’t humor our moods one day and try to kill us via allergies the next. Sometimes, the change is so much more drastic, changing from the coldest of mornings to the hottest afternoons. It’s rude and inconsiderate, and something needs to change. Come on, Mother Nature! Change your mood as fast as you’ve changed our weather.
Best wishes,
Emerald Green