By Emerald Green

A rare snowfall surprised Las Vegans with one to three inches of snow from Wednesday, Feb. 20 to Thursday, Feb. 21, covering the valley in its first measurable amount in over a decade. This is one of very few “snow days” for the dry Vegas valley, which saw its last considerable snowfall on December 17, 2008.
“I remember there being so much snow,” junior Makayla Walker said. ”The roads were completely covered, and you couldn’t see any of the ground. All of the kids in my neighborhood came out, and we had snowball fights and everything. Everyone was playing outside all day. I remember there was so much snow that someone built an igloo in the park, which was great.”
A light sprinkling of snow started the week, beginning late Sunday night and continuing into the early hours of Monday morning.
“I thought that the change in the weather pattern was super neat because you don’t see that a lot in Vegas,” junior Marshall Burnett said. “Then, I was like, ‘Oh, man, the Earth really be dying because there’s snow in the desert.”
Then, on Wednesday night, after news reports and speculation of a snow day being possible the next day, Clark County School District tweeted that any announcement would not be made until 5 a.m. Thursday morning. Students awoke to the district’s statement, via Twitter and the official CCSD website, that school would not, in fact, be cancelled that day because “[a]ll reports indicate[d] that it [was] safe to drive on the roads.”
“I knew school wasn’t going to get canceled because the snow wasn’t falling hard enough to cover the ground,” sophomore Niki Almenario said. “I was mad when school wasn’t cancelled, but my expectations were low already. I remember that [in 2008] my dad picked my sisters and I up from school. Then we had to leave our car in the middle of the road and walk home because the snow was so thick.”
However, CCSD cancelled all after-school activities on Thursday, and school was officially cancelled on Friday, Feb. 22 due to “potential freezing conditions on the roads that would be unsafe for school buses during the morning commute,” stated another announcement made via Twitter and the official CCSD website.
“I fell asleep at 4 p.m., and I vaguely remember my brother coming into my room and telling me there was no school,” junior Sarah Crockett said. “I didn’t believe him, and I was half asleep when he told me. I woke up at like 2 a.m. (because I fell asleep so early) and started doing homework. Then I checked my phone and realized there wasn’t school. I’ve watched movies all morning, and I’ve had an absolutely lovely day so far.”
Students and faculty will be required to make up the day at a later time during this school year.
“We got a three-day weekend, and even though we’re going to have to make it up, it’s still a cool and fun thing,” freshman Jake Kulik-Warren said. “I’m sure it’s a much-needed break for some people.”
The specific date has not been released yet.
“I don’t mind that we lose a day,” senior Madison Chia said. “I like having breaks spread out. Third quarter is burning me out anyway.”