Robotics team wins gold at state


By Tyffani Caddy

The robotics team E wins the Excellence Award on Feb 22 for the 2019 Nevada State Robotics Competition. Photo by E. Noto

Team E of the robotics team brought home gold with the Excellence Award at the High School State Robotics Competition on Feb. 22 at Coronado High School and earned the chance to compete at the national level April 4-7 in Iowa. Brendan Graves, Gabe Hunt, Ian Juneau, Noah Leighton, Sean Maseng and Oliver Silberg made up the team. This award is given to the top robot in the state. Judges based their decision on interviews, the robot’s performance and the team’s engineering notebooks which contained top designs, programming information and engineering processes for the bot.

“As president of Robotics, I am extremely proud that this year we were able to qualify for nationals for the second time in a row,” Sean Maseng, junior, said. “I’m quite amazed to see the team that I have worked with throughout the year be given the opportunity to compete in nationals.”

Robotics wins Excellence Award at Regionals on Dec. 15 at Green Valley High School. Photo by E. Noto

The team earned their shot in the state competition after competing in the regionals tournament at  Green Valley on Dec. 15. The objective of the tournament was to build a robot that could flip a cap, pick up a three-inch ball, and shoot at different targets. They received the Excellence Award there as well, the highest award that can be awarded to a VEX robotics team.

“Coronado took the two highest awards of the day, the Excellence and the Tournament Champion,” Robotics advisor, Ellen Noto said. “ It was the best showing by Coronado at any tournament since the start of the robotics team.”

Following their win at regionals, the team solved problems and made minor improvements to the robot to prepare fo state. They also practiced using the functions of the robot to improve performance. Adjusting the autonomous programming, the period of which the robot moves without the control of the team members, is a goal set to complete by the time nationals rolls around.

“It was fun to work through problems with our team and qualify for nationals,” Grace Gabrielson, sophomore, said.

All of the robotics team stand united at the 2019 Nevada state Robotics competition after winning the Excellence Award. Photo by E. Noto

The robotics program has 47 students that all work together to build a robot that can complete whatever challenges they face in a tournament. Building the robot took four months for the team to assemble and perfect. The team buys their own parts for the robot. They fundraised at Shake Shack and sold ice cream at lunch to raise the necessary funds.

“We put a lot of time into this bot,” Alex Lea, sophomore, said. “We went through many iterations, but I feel that it was worth it in the end.”

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Tyffani Caddy is a junior and a first-year reporter on newsteam. She is very into sports and trends which makes it easier to write. Her favorite quote is, “ If it doesn't challenge you, then it won’t change you” by Fred DeVito. Her dream job is a sports journalist which was inspired by her love for sports and her passion for writing. She is a former Navy brat, so she has lived in many places in the United States. Her dream college, NYU, is in New York which is where she wishes to pursue a journalism career.