Theater to offer post break entertainment


By McKenna Cooley

During last year’s 10-minute plays performed on Jan. 8-9, Mr. Johnson and Ms. Yeaton portray a couple on a dinner date. Photo by
During last year’s 10-minute plays performed on Jan. 8-9, Mr. Johnson and Ms. Yeaton portray a couple on a dinner date in the faculty production. Photo by Mia Fortunato

Coming back from the long winter break may be difficult, but the theater department offers four nights of entertainment for worthwhile distraction.  The 10-minute plays starting  Jan. 6 and ending Jan. 9. will consist of a variety of short plays each night starting at 6 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door for $5.

Theatre IV students had the opportunity to choose, cast, and direct their own 10-minute shorts. After selecting their plays, the student directors held casting auditions at the beginning of November. Most of the actors come from the Theater I-III classes but some do not. There is also a faculty play that performs every night. Last year’s play included teachers such as Mrs. Burrows, Mr. Fleischer, Mr. Johnson and Ms. Leonard.

“I enjoy theatre and I wanted to expand my knowledge and experience by doing the plays,” Taylor Larimer, freshman, said.

These 10-minute plays range from comedies to the intense dramas, but they offer something for everyone to see.

“I’ve been in a play every year since my freshman year, and it’s so fun to work with people from all different levels of theatre,” Emily Unger, junior, said. “People should come see them because they are really fun to watch and some are actually interactive with the audience.”


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McKenna Cooley is a senior this year as well as co-editor-in-chief with Karen Pegueros. This is her third year on staff. She enjoys writing news and feature stories. She is very excited about the upcoming year and the future of the website. Her favorite quote, which relates to her sport archery, is “An arrow can only be shot by being pulled back. When life is pulling you back with difficulties, it is about to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.”