Yearbook staff beefs up book


By Bryce Becker

Working with Jeff Moffitt, Jostens Creative Accounts Manager, the Prowl editors, make changes to improve the look of this year’s book. Photo by N. Thompson

Yearbook Co-Editors-in-Chief Kristina Metzner, senior, and Brandon Garcia, senior, and Assistant Editor Jessica Quartieri, junior, along with Mrs. Thompson, yearbook adviser, traveled to Denver, Colorado from Friday, Sept. 15 to Sunday, Sept. 17 to attend the Jostens Weekend Intensive Workshop. The three-day event brought yearbook staffers and industry professionals together to develop ideas, work on, and improve this year’s yearbook.

“I’m beyond excited for our book. We are completely taking this book into a whole new direction, where we focus on the students at our school and dig deep to make it as personal and as interactive as we can. It’s time for a change, and we are really going to deliver a chance for our school to make this year’s book their own,” Garcia said.

Starting Friday, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., the editors listened to all of the other schools’ plans providing staffs with other ideas and examples on different techniques. One of the main discussions focused on headline styles and fonts as well as trends that break what were once the standards for yearbook design.

“Attending the workshop helped me to let go of some old rigid rules and habits to make it [the yearbook] more fun for the readers,” Mrs. Thompson said.

The workshop also provided the editors with the opportunity to work with students from Colorado, California, and Nevada who share a common interest. Swapping yearbook stories and ideas was an integral part of the experience.

“My favorite part about the Denver workshop was getting to know the Rocklin yearbook editors. We really got to bond with the people who shared the same passions as us, and they were really nice and cool,” Quartieri said.

Yearbooks can be ordered at


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Co-Editor-In-Chief and sports editor Bryce Becker is a junior. He has been on “The Roar” staff for three years. His favorite subject is science because it’s fun to do labs and learn how things work. Bryce enjoys hanging out with his friends and playing sports, as well as writing sports stories for the website. His favorite movies include all of the Marvel and Star Wars films. He is excited to write for the website this year and hopes to pursue journalism in the future.