Buy some fun with St. Pat’s limericks


By Ashly Riches

Zil Joyce Dixon Romero fills out a form to have a limerick delivered on St Patrick's Day. NEHS will be holding their fundraiser through tomorrow.(Photo by Ashly Riches)
Zil Joyce Dixon Romero fills out a form to have a limerick delivered on St Patrick’s Day. NEHS will be holding their fundraiser through tomorrow.
(Photo by Ashly Riches)

The National English Honor Society is spreading amusement and a love of poetry by selling limericks in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Funds will be used for their induction ceremony.

Limericks have been sold every year of the club’s history. The money earned will go toward hosting an induction ceremony to celebrate its members. To be inducted into the NEHS, a student must have a 3.0 GPA, love the English language, and show commitment to the club throughout the school year by attending three-fourths of all meetings and participating in club events. NEHS plans to host an event worthy of such achievements.

“I really enjoy the limerick fundraiser because it is an NEHS tradition, and I’m hoping the money will allow us to have a nice induction ceremony, as it will be my last,” senior Tia Noll, vice president, said.

The festive limericks will be sold Monday through Friday this week in the quad during lunches. The limericks will cost $2 and will come with a pot of gold (a mini cauldron filled with chocolate coins) to be delivered on St. Patrick’s Day.