Sweeten holidays with this simple treat


By Saveria Farino

Digging into the their treat, sophomores Bonnie Stewart and Taylor Roylance share the Oreo cookie dough brownies during lunch. Photo by Saveria Farino
Digging into the their treat, sophomores Bonnie Stewart and Taylor Roylance share the Oreo cookie dough brownies during lunch. Photo by Saveria Farino

With the holidays coming to a near, it is time to whip up your favorite recipes. For those without any real baking skills, that may be quite the challenge. Instead of spending hours upon hours flipping through millions of cook books looking for the perfect dessert, here is a dessert for those who have little cooking skills and are the farthest thing from Bobby Flay.

You will need:

1 tub of Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

1 package of your favorite brownie mix

1 package of Oreos  

1 9×13 baking dish

1 roll of parchment paper

1 Mixing bowl

How it’s done:

Step 1: Spread a piece of parchment paper onto a 9×13 baking dish

Step 2: Spread the cookie dough across the bottom of the dish

Step 3: Place an even layer of whole Oreos on top of the cookie dough

Step 4: After preparing the brownie mix as instructed on the box, pour the batter on top

Step 5: Place in the oven at 350 degrees fahrenheit for 40 to 50 minutes.

Step 6: Once the treat is ready to come out of the oven, let it cool for 5 minutes then you will be ready to dig in!

That’s all it takes to have a delicious dessert to share with your family and friends on any special holiday.