ACT testing happens in one week


Freshmen, sophomores and most seniors will have the day off on Tuesday, March 1. Only juniors and identified seniors will be on campus to take the ACT test. Those students taking the test must arrive on time. Check in will begin at 7:50 a.m. Late students will not be permitted to test.

Students should bring a valid license or school ID. Printouts from the counselors’ office will not be available. They should also bring number two pencils to use on the test.

Absolutely no cell phones or electronic devices will be permitted in the testing room.  Calculators are optional and are not necessary to complete the exam. Only the approved calculators IT-83 or TI-84 with memory and RAM cleared will be admitted into the testing rooms. Test takers should leave cell phones in their cars or at home. If they bring them on campus, they will be held in the dean’s office.

Examinees may bring a snack to eat during the short break between tests two and three, but it must be left in the front of the testing room.

Testing will be over by 1:45 at which time students have the opportunity to see their teachers for extra help or regarding missed work.