Making, achieving summer goals


By Bekah Denny

While exploring the terrain in Maui, Ashley To, 11, climbs down one of its many mountains. Photo courtesy of Ashley To
While exploring the terrain in Maui, Ashley To, 11, climbs down one of its many mountains. Photo courtesy of Ashley To

Textbooks and surprise quizzes are back in full swing; but when the last bell rang on the 2015-16 school year, students ran for the doors like a stampede of raging bulls, eager to accomplish their summer bucket lists. According to an online Roar poll conducted from June to August, the most anticipated activity was “going to the beach.” Before the hectic days of school came crashing back down on them, 728 students tried to get a serenity-filled break.

“My goal over the summer was to get away from technology and to just enjoy nature. I reached this goal when I took a trip to Maui. The land had so much to offer, especially its oceans. I spent many days lounging on the beach watching the waves,” Ashley To, junior, said. “The view was so much better than a screen.”

The poll revealed that the student body was looking for a thrilling yet classic way to spend their summer. Diving head first off a cliff into frigid waters was second with 348 votes. Catching up on the never ending “need to read” book list came in a close third with 272.

“Over the summer I decided to go cliff jumping with some friends; it was the adventure of a lifetime. It was so exhilarating and heart dropping! The adrenaline was rushing through my veins. It was extremely fun, and I would definitely do it again,” Grace Johnson, junior, said.

While Netflix enthusiasts counted down their series over the record-breaking heatwave months, others checked going to a music fest off their to-do lists. Banging heads and pumping fists to the sound of the pulsating beat at a music festival came in fourth with 203 thumbs up, and finishing the infinite stream of Netflix series was fifth with 184. Finally in last place with 177 votes, were those who fought summer boredom by experiencing something new everyday.

“At the end of summer I went to Warped Tour. It was awesome, the music just surrounded me. I want to go every year now. It was one of the best experiences of my life,” Tyler Emond, freshman, said.