The Roar attends RJ awards


By Samantha Catalano

Celebrate the RJ’s/ Celebrating their awards won at the RJ awards, the news team poses for a picture. Photo by Samantha Catalano

The Roar staff attended the Las Vegas Review Journal Awards (RJ’s) at Palace Station Casino on Monday, May 6. At the valley-wide event, the Review Journal staff judged websites, newspapers and articles written by local high school news teams, and recognized them with awards.

“The staff and I have put so much effort in this year to make the website the best, and I am so happy it paid off,” freshman Valerie Perez said. “Newsteam is an amazing class because everyone is so motivated to putting their efforts in to the website.”

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Emerald Green, senior, won both first place in Best Copy Editing and Most Valuable Staffer for the 2018-2019 school year. Co-Editor-in-Chief, Sage Tippie won second place for Best Opinion Writing Humorous. The award for Best Website was given to SWECTA though The Roar placed second. Several individual staffers also won awards for their articles and drawings: cartoon artist, sophomore Kassidy Weber, won first place for Best Editorial Cartoon, sophomore Riley Cable and freshman Valerie Perez won first for their Pro-Con piece, and sophomore Matthew Eskridge won an honorable mention for Best Sports Feature, and senior, Amanda Joy Lee received second place for Best Informational Artwork. The staff was awarded an honorable mention for the swimsuit editorial written by Izzie Thornley

“I put so much energy in editing the piece for months, and I would have been mad if I didn’t at least place for the Copy Editing category,” Green said. “Being on staff as an editor has been the best part of my high school career and given me the opportunity to find my voice and the skills necessary to communicate in the best way.”

Throughout the year Mrs. Thompson, newspaper and yearbook advisor, helped the staff to improve their writing. She has worked at Coronado since it’s opening in 2001. This was her last award ceremony due to her upcoming retirement.

“I am so proud of my staff and how hard they have worked this year,” Thompson said. “I am so happy to go out on a high note.”

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Samantha Catalano is a junior, and it is her first year writing for “The Roar.” When she is not at school, she is golfing, shopping, cooking, baking, traveling and spending time with friends and family. She also enjoys volunteering. She loves to watch “The Office” and “Parks and Recs,” along with anything that will make her laugh. Her all time favorite food is strawberries. Her favorite book is “Nine Women, One Dress.” Samantha’s goal is to go to college somewhere in the east.