Cougars celebrate with senior photo


By Abbey Bowles 

Snap it!/At last year’s senior photo, the yearbook staff and school administeration arranged seniors to spell out 2019. This year’s senior photo is on Thursday, Oct. 10. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Berry

Yearbook is holding their annual senior yearbook picture on Thursday, Sept. 10. During third period, seniors will head to the homeside of the Cougar Stadium to be lined up for the photo. 

“The senior photo is a photo we can always look back on when we’re old,” senior Maddie Meldrim said. “It’s a reminder of how much fun we had back in high school.” 

All seniors are to wear a white colored shirt for the photo. Prior to the event, students can bring their student ID to the gym during both lunches to receive a free, white homecoming shirt. Seniors can wear this shirt to the photo along with their white senior shirt or any other white shirt. 

“I’m really excited for the senior photo because I’ll be able to cherish these last few memories I’ll have with the Class of 2020,” senior Hanley Flower said. “It’s weird to say goodbye and good luck to all of them because we all basically grew up together.”

This photo will be placed in the 2019-2020 yearbook. The senior photo is a Cougar tradition that brings all seniors together to capture an all inclusive photo commemorating their years together at Coronado. Senior year is the final milestone of their high school career, leading into another exciting chapter of life.

“It is going to be a good day to put in perspective how close I am to graduating.” senior Bella Aberham said. 

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Abbey Bowles is a senior looking forward to graduating from Coronado High School to go pursue her dreams in studying abroad and traveling in college. This is her second year on “The Roar” staff. In her free time she enjoys hanging out with friends, and trying new foods that are unique. In the future Abbey plans on becoming an entrepreneur in interior design because she loves decorating and has a good eye for detail.