Coronado’s Theatre Department Prepares for Hamlette


Engarde// Kris Pruette grips his blade, readying to duel. Pruette came in to prepare Coronado Theatre students for Hamlette, as certain roles require specific training. (Photo by Brianna Gracia)

by Brianna Gracia

“All the world’s a stage, and men and women are merely players: they have their exits and entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his act being seven stages,” William Shakespeare, the famous Elizabethan poet, once said. 

Coronado’s Theatre Department works the same way. The thespians are the players of the stage, weaving together stories through the art of performance. Just like Shakespeare says, plays come in many parts. A troupe cannot simply throw together a play within a day. To truly craft art it takes time, dedication, and immersion of the material. 

With their fall play, Hamlette, rapidly approaching, Coronado Theatre has been working tirelessly in order to prepare. Their efforts include but aren’t limited to reading and studying various Shakespeare works, watching productions of Hamlette to gain inspiration, and even partaking in a sword fighting workshop under the instruction of Kris Pruette, who is professionally trained in sword fighting and stage combat. 

Pruette, who has a master’s from UNLV in stage combat, gave his time to the Coronado Theatre Department on the 7th and 8th of September. Students were instructed in sword fighting attack, cut, and footwork positions. They even got engaged in partner work, simulating a staged duel. 

“I teach because it’s fun,” Pruette joked. “But really, it’s because of the movies. Princess Bride, Star Wars – I wanted to be like them. I’ve been in a lot of shows and have found a lot of swords in my hand. I love Shakespeare and have a huge appreciation for his work.” 

Hamlette is a short play written by Allison Williams that gives the classic tragedy Hamlet a new, comedic twist. Audience members will also notice that the main character, Hamlet, is actually Hamlette, a young lady dealing with the sudden death of her father, a crooked uncle, and a revenge plot. 

Come support Coronado’s Theatre Department on October 13th, 14th, and 15th at 6 pm for the Shakespearean Experience.


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