Senior panoramics planned for Tuesday


By Ryann Heinlen

Students in the class of 2014 pose for their traditional bleacher photo last fall. Photo courtesy of LIfetouch Photography
Students in the class of 2014 pose for their traditional bleacher photo last fall. Photo courtesy of LIfetouch Photography

Every year the senior class assembles in the football stadium for their traditional panoramic photos: their graduation year formed on the field and the group photo in the bleachers. The picture is used in the yearbook and is framed to adorn the wall of the front entry way of the main office.

“I always loved looking at the senior group pictures,” Denee Kong, senior, said. “I just can’t believe I’m going to be a part of it this year.”

On Tuesday, Oct. 13, third period teachers will release all seniors at 10:15 a.m. to report to the football field. Students should leave their backpacks in their third period classes and then pick them up after the photos on their way to fourth hour.

This is the third year in which the senior class will be spelling out their graduation year before the classic bleacher picture. Principal Piccininni began the tradition in 2014, his inaugural year.

The Prowl staff begins painting the signs that will be used during the pictures two weeks in advance.The yearbook staff starts blowing up balloons at 8 a.m., then they head to the stadium during second period to hang the huge banners on the fence and press box. They work all morning to ensure that the process will go as smoothly as possible. The staff also asks that seniors wear red, white, or blue for the pictures.

“My favorite part of the whole process is getting everything done and getting to see the finished product,” yearbook staffer, Sofia Sanchez, 12, said.

The pictures are expected to take about 45 minutes before seniors are sent off to their fourth period classes.