Cookie day spreads joy


By Saveria Farino

Seniors, Courtney Hughes, Lauren Abercrombie, and Caroline Teixeira, sell cookies during second lunch to Nicole Norad, 10. Photo by Saveria Farino
Seniors, Courtney Hughes, Lauren Abercrombie, and Caroline Teixeira, sell cookies during second lunch to Nicole Norad, 10. Photo by Saveria Farino

Imagine walking to your third period English class. The 200 hallway doors open and you’re overwhelmed with the famous smell. One word comes to mind, cookies.

Every Wednesday, Mr. Manning and his class sells cookies to students and staff from room 214. All the money made goes toward the class’s activities including the garden, which is located in the back of the baseball fields. Between 1000-1200 cookies are sold every Wednesday and are sold at 50¢ a cookie or 2 for $1.

“The kids learn how to work, listen, follow directions, interact with people, and learn money skills like counting. Overall we want them to just have fun,” Mr. Manning, said.

There are many jobs that go into preparing cookie day including baking, bagging, selling, inside sales, and each student does a different job throughout the school day.

“These kids have limited options so we teach them functional skills so they can work and get jobs in the future,” Manning said.

Selling is most chaotic between second and third, and third and fourth period.

The signature scent of cookies takes you back to your happy place after entering the 200 hallways. As you breathe that delicious air, keep in mind all the hard work put into the cookies each week.