Fine Arts Assembly brings cheer to Coronado


By Maddie Baker

Practicing “Betelehemu,” concert choir rehearses during fifth period to prepare for the up-and-coming assembly. Photo by Alli Harper
Practicing “Betelehemu,” concert choir rehearses during fifth period to prepare for the up-and-coming assembly. Photo by Alli Harper

To herald in this joyful season, all of the performing arts will join together for the Fine Arts Assembly. During third and fourth period on Friday, Dec. 9, students will go to the gym to watch their classmates showcase their musical talents. Each group will perform one solo piece, with band, orchestra, and choir joining together to close out the show.

“It’s fun to see all of the performances, as well as showing the entire school what we can do,” Mackenzie Marshall, junior, said.

The playlist includes concert choir and the Madrigals rocking “Betelehemu” by Wendell Whalum. Guitar is performing “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” by Thurl Ravenscroft. Cougarettes will jazz dance to “Paradise (instrumental)” by Coldplay. Orchestra will play “Winter Solstice” by Todd Parrish. Wind symphony will perform “Charlie Brown Christmas” by Vince Guaraldi, and jazz band will play “Greensleeves” by Olivia Newton-John.

“I like Greensleeves because it’s got amazing contrast with the low and high parts. It’s fast and exhilarating and leaves you with a smile on your face,” Christian Romo, sophomore, said.

The finale is “Sleigh Bells” by Mitchell Anderson with the musical trifecta to wrap up this festive assembly.

“I am really excited for my classmates to hear the final song. They will get to hear how hard we worked for the song to sound amazing,” Marissa Orlando, senior, said.