Swenson wins StuCo Adviser of the Year


By Saveria Farino

Showing off her award, Swenson shares the moment with her student council. Photo Courtesy of Bianca Weyers
Showing off her Adviser of the Year award, Ms. Swenson shares the moment with her student council. Photo courtesy of Bianca Weyers

During the NASC State Conference, hosted at Spring Valley High School from Friday, April 21 through Sunday, April 23, student council adviser and leadership teacher, Ms. Swenson received the Adviser of the Year award.

“I just got to smile for a moment and be humble. All the colleagues of mine who were nominated were just as amazing as me. We were all curious as to who it would be. I’m very grateful for my kids and what my kids and our council is and has done for me and this school. We are an amazing council in this state, and I was really happy for us all because it’s a shared award,” Swenson said.

Every year, the NASC nominates a small amount of StuCo advisers throughout the state based on their impact and the way they lead their schools. This year, Swenson received the award based on her teaching and leading the Cougars.

“I think that she [Ms. Swenson] really made emphasis on meeting needs rather than just filling the position. We always work to celebrate the small success, and it motivates us through the huge things. We are step outside our comfort zone and be willing to create opportunities for ourselves,” Student Body President Ariann Sanford said.

Swenson and her council members also participated in unique activities over the three days where they learned how to take risks and grow as leaders on their campuses. Motivational speakers including Phil Boyte and Stu Cage spoke to students about overcoming social obstacles and being the best they can be.

“We attended workshops and round tables where students taught leadership lessons. We were also grouped in groups with other students from Nevada, where we learned to make new connections with people we’ve never met,” Bianca Weyers, junior, said.