Students jump the last hurdle: final exams


By Rayne Hayes

final exams
Prepping for her final exam in Spanish 2 Honors, Valerie Handlos, junior, fills out her study guide. By Rayne Hayes

As the school year comes to a close, the last battle students have to overcome is final exams. The last full school day of the 2016-2017 school year will be Monday, June 5.

“What worked for me when I was a student was flashcards. Writing, memorizing, and reading your cards will ensure you grasp the topic. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t know how to do it,” Ms.Moss, AP/Pre-AP Lang teacher, said.

Exams begin on Tuesday, June 6 during first period and continue until Thursday, June 8. On these three days, first period will start at 8:00 a.m. and will end at 9:45 a.m.. Following the first exam there will be a 10-minute break. Second period will start at 9:55 a.m. and go until 11:40 a.m.. Backpacks will not be allowed on campus during the exams. Transportation services such as buses will still be available to students that need it.

“Reading and writing has always helped me when trying to master a topic or learn a new one. When my teachers give me study guides, I fill them out then go over them again,” Hannah Grossman, junior, said.

First and second period exams will occur on June 6, third and fourth period exams on June 7, and fifth and sixth period exams will happen on June 8. No makeup exams will be offered after June 8. If students are absent on one of these days, make up tests will be administered during class, before, or after school. Per district regulation, exams cannot be given early, so students must plan accordingly. If a student fails to make up a test, he or she will receive a zero.

Seniors with no fifth and sixth period will not have to attend the last day; respectively those with no first and second period won’t have to attend the first exam day.

“Now that I have my AP tests in the past, I feel a lot more comfortable tackling these exams. Studying flashcards has always helped me,” Haley Morton, sophomore, said.