What’s your best tip for staying focused as the school year winds down?


“My best tip for staying focused in school is to do something you love. Whether it is an after school activity or sport, find an outlet that you can look forward to; therefore, you won’t get as stressed, and it will pass the time through fourth quarter.” Cayna Love, 9

“My best tip is to make sure to stay on top of all my homework and study even when I don’t feel like it.” Aiden McConnell, 10

“Time management is the most important thing as school comes to an end, and it really helps me with staying on top of my work.” Monet Griffin, 11

“I try to remember that I only have a couple of more weeks of high school left because college is going to be significantly harder. This is also one of the last times that we can build a strong relationship with our teachers.” Tyler Cename, 12