Coronavirus isn’t all bad


By Riley Cable

Illustration by Ellis Sondrup

There has very rarely been a time where humans were forced to completely slow down, or even stop. Hustle culture ran the world before quarantine. Everything was about how successful you were and how much you were doing with your life. However, in March 2020, the world was put on hold. No one could go out and try to one up each other because they were all in the same situation. In order to keep ourselves and everyone else safe, we had to “take a chill pill,” and just enjoy life at home. Sometimes it can be hard to find the positives of the current situation we’re all in. The whole year was basically taken, and now everyone is living in this weird reality where they’re simultaneously supposed to go out and support businesses, but also the safest option is to continue to stay home. Despite all that Coronavirus has taken, it’s also given us an incredible thing: time. 

Whether you decided to use this time to be the most productive, or you did completely nothing, that was your choice to make. Everyone had the same choice : what do we do now? This time really could help benefit everyone a bit differently. 

Some decided to totally change their physical appearance. From their physique to their style to their hair, some people came out of quarantine looking like a whole new person. Online workouts became a huge part of these past few months, and for some, this time really started a whole new fitness journey for them. With the help of Chloe Ting’s workout programs, it seems as if everyone has a six-pack now.  On top of that, there is literally an entire fashion era reemerging and taking over everyone’s closet. People are dying and cutting their hair like there is no tomorrow. It seems safe to assume that everyone looks a bit different, but some completely revamped the way they look. 

Many people also took on a new hobby. Crafts like tie-dye and jewelry making seemed to take over every social media platform. New recipes seemed to come out constantly, and now everyone thinks they are a professional cook or baker. There’s something for everyone to try and fill their time with. 

Contrarily, some decided to use this time to do absolutely nothing. Students and adults alike seemed to catch up on sleep and T.V. shows. Many days were spent lying in bed, scrolling the phone aimlessly, but that really was essential for people. Having more than just two days to relax was unheard of before quarantine. 

During the long, quiet months, there was a lot of time alone. This made some reevaluate who they were and what they were doing with their lives. People lost their jobs, but took this as an opportunity to start something new. Having a positive mindset in such a scary, unknown time was really the only way to get through the days. For those that were forced to be alone, they could realize what was important to them when this was all over. It could be possible that you’re totally different than you were a few months ago, and that’s okay.

Not everyone was alone though, and many people were surrounded by their families more than they would ever want to be. Students came home from college and really got to experience home life again when they thought that would never happen. Juniors and seniors got more time to think about the future and where they want to end up. Parents everywhere got to embrace having their children home and having a full house. Although there were bound to be hardships, this is extra time that no one would ever expect to have again. Bonds were made stronger than before, and people went back to normal life feeling more love than ever.

There is no question that Coronavirus has turned lives upside down, but there is also so much good that came of it. Taking a moment to realize that it hasn’t all been negative can really help change the outlook of this year. It’s not the year we were expecting, but was it the absolute worst year ever?

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Riley Cable is a senior, and this is her third year on “The Roar” staff. This year she is taking on the role as Editor-in-chief. Riley loves to write features and sports, specifically soccer. In her free time, she loves to take workout classes, get coffee or just drive around blasting music. Riley loves being surrounded by good energies, and she loves to constantly be around people. Riley’s current plans after high school are to attend college and hopefully pursue a career in neuroscience or psychiatry, but she wants to keep writing on the side.