Tips to deal with anxiety


By Lorin Alukonis

Anxiety Tips// Whether mild or intense, anxiety affects everyone in their day-to-day lives. These techniques can help one to diminish their worries and clear their mind of overwhelming thoughts. “Anxiety” by sinclair.sharon28 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Disclaimer: Anxiety levels greatly vary, and while this list is not an exhaustive list of management tips, these may help in certain situations.

Growing up as a teenager in Generation Z has been tough for many. Due to being raised in stressful situations from birth involving wars, violence, and sickness; as a given, many have suffered from anxiety which can go from barely affecting their day to entirely rewiring their plans to avoid any gut-wrenching feelings. However, it does not always have to be like this. There are tips and techniques individuals can use to subside anxiety and calm the mind and body.

The first tip sounds too good to be true, yet it still works for most people. Writing in a journal truly helps all forms of anxiety. Journaling can be done at the pace of the writer, whether this is daily, weekly, or done when needed. When one begins writing their thoughts, it is important to write down what’s most important. Next, stressors and other difficult life experiences and duties may be written down in detail. After completing the brief process, one must reread and reflect; discover what the anxiety derives from, and determine the positive outcome that can come from it. It enforces a new mindset and promotes positivity to help the individual overcome their anxiety.

“I like to write down the events that happened that day in a notebook in my room,” senior Juliana Girardello said. “A good portion about it relates to school and how I worry about getting my grades up, but in reality, it just motivates me more. Being stressed is never a good feeling you want morning to night.” 

Identifying triggers and understanding how to manage them is also an important factor in understanding one’s anxiety. Everyone has different triggers whether it is an object, phrase, smell or place; being able to know what triggers anxiety can also help avoid it. Of course, not everything can be avoided (such as a stressful work environment), but help can be done to lessen the intensity of the anxiety and diminish it altogether. 

Another overlooked tip is keeping a healthy diet rich in nutrients. If the body feels unwell, the mind feels unwell. Feeding the brain properly can help diminish negative thoughts and improve motivation and energy. It is also necessary to stay away from any caffeine because it will intensify anxiety and possibly result in a panic attack.

Going out and referring to an outside source is never a bad idea when it comes to dealing with anxiety. Whether it is a close friend, family, or a therapist, reaching out to another can be very beneficial. Receiving outside advice and looking at a situation through a different perspective can help one realize the reality of a situation. After talking to someone, individuals will realize what they are stressing about is not as big of a deal as their mind makes it out to be. They slowly understand that it will not be the end of the world to go somewhere or do something that will most likely bring a positive outcome. Obviously, if one’s anxiety is becoming too much to bear, reaching out to a therapist or asking a doctor about certain medications is an option.

“I found that talking to my friends about nerve-wracking events coming up really helps,” senior Sasha Gilson said. “I usually go to them for anything and get their advice because sometimes I’m not sure how to deal with a situation.”

At the end of the day, anxious thoughts are only thoughts and there is no reason to fear future events or current ones. These overwhelming feelings can be controlled and managed through many resources and techniques available. One must put in effort and be vulnerable in order to relieve stress and acknowledge reality for what it is and not what the mind thinks it is. There is always help and the feelings of anxiety can be managed with these tips.

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Lorin Alukonis, junior, is excited for her first year as the features editor on “The Roar” news staff. She enjoys playing club and high school volleyball in her free time as well as late night drives with her friends. Her favorite types of music to listen to are indie pop and throw-back 2000s songs; she also loves meeting new people and becoming friends with everyone. One of her life goals is to explore Europe and learn about the fascinating history and culture.