Student body officers run unopposed


By Riley Cable

Signing the student signature sheet, sophomore Niki Almenario helps the incoming student body officers gain enough signatures to secure their position. Photo by Riley Cable

Student body officer candidates experienced an easy campaign this year. Each officer ran unopposed, so no votes were needed. To be a student body officer, all candidates had to get signatures from their fellow students. Junior Emma Aguero will be the 2019-2020 student body president, and junior Baylee Boran will be vice president. The other positions were filled by juniors Alysha Nguyen as secretary, Amiyah Ellis who will be treasurer, and historian Savanna Berquist.

“Since no one was running against me, I didn’t have the added stress of needing to get online votes, and I could focus on creating connections with my fellow students,” Boren said. “I was also able to get to know more opinions from them.”

There were five officer positions that needed to be filled, namely the student body historian, secretary, treasurer, vice president, and president. Incoming seniors were the only candidates eligible to run for a school-wide position. Although there was no competition between the candidates, all positions still needed to gain signatures from 20% of next year’s student body. Despite not having the opportunity to reach out to the whole student body, the students running still met and talked with fellow students about their ideas for the school next year.

“I enjoyed the process because I got to meet a bunch of new students and introduce myself,” Aguero said. “I was able to hear what the students want next year to look like. My personal goal for next year is to have a more inclusive campus. I want to have the student council feel more connected with the student body. I hope to help everyone feel loved and appreciated about being a Coronado Cougar.”

Even though there was no typical, traditional school-wide election for student body officers, class officer elections are coming up Monday, March 11 through Friday, March 15. Each class can vote for who they want to represent them in the coming year.

“I’m super excited because I love taking on new challenges within this leadership position each year,” Olivia Ship, sophomore class president, said. “I’m also nervous because it is a huge responsibility to take on.”

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Riley Cable is a senior, and this is her third year on “The Roar” staff. This year she is taking on the role as Editor-in-chief. Riley loves to write features and sports, specifically soccer. In her free time, she loves to take workout classes, get coffee or just drive around blasting music. Riley loves being surrounded by good energies, and she loves to constantly be around people. Riley’s current plans after high school are to attend college and hopefully pursue a career in neuroscience or psychiatry, but she wants to keep writing on the side.


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