Open House, Open School, Open Hearts



by Madeline Vernaci

On September 13 from 6 pm to 8 pm, parents of students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to come to Coronado to learn about what their children are being taught in their classes. The event will give parents and families time to visit each class their child is enrolled in and interact with the teachers. 

“Open House is always a good way for your parents to meet your teachers, so I like it,” junior Mia Tschan said. “My parents have said that it can be a little crowded though, so that’s not that great.” 

Before Open House begins, families will receive a list of classes and room numbers written out by their children to help them traverse the school, class by class, just as their students do each day. In each class, they will listen to a presentation about the curriculum that is taught by their children’s teachers or even be instructed on how to do a fun activity to get them engaged. 

“I love Open House and always look forward to it,” AP English teacher Mrs. Barton said. “Meeting the parents is helpful in getting to know our kids better. This year we are going to do something a bit interesting, and it could go a million different ways, but I’m hopeful.” 

Open house is a long-held tradition in schools across the nation every year that allows parents to visit their students’ classrooms and learn what they do in class. Many teachers appreciate the chance to meet parents and families of students they’ve gotten to know. Having the opportunity to connect and learn about the students more through their parents is something many teachers enjoy. However, fewer and fewer parents visit Open House each year their students move up a grade in school. One teacher gladly shares her thoughts on the night. 

“I usually like to meet the parents, but I wish that Open House was sooner in the year,” student support teacher Mrs. Tzugaris said. “However, I do think that any time where you get to meet the parents is valuable time.” 

During the event, in between meeting different teachers, music and entertainment will also be provided for parents. All music will be performed by the school’s top performing arts groups in band, orchestra, and choir. 

“The orchestra is going to be performing in the quad in front of the school, and choir and band are on the other side of the school,” junior Alice Kim said. “From there, we’re going to be playing pieces one by one as the parents go through their kids’ schedule.” 

Open House, an event known nationwide in schools, will be attended by many parents and students alike. With performances by students, presentations, and activities meant to give parents an understanding of what their child will be learning in class, Open House will continue to be an important yearly tradition.

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Aubree Gearhart is a Junior, attending her second year on The Roar staff. Her favorite sections to write are arts and entertainment and news. She one day hopes to pursue a career in either Journalism/Broadcasting or Criminology. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her friends, reading and writing, and swimming. Her favorite shows are Friends and Criminal Minds and her favorite movie is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.