Students travel to France


By McKenna Cooley

During a family vacation, Nicole Burton, 11, visited Amaryllis Simon, who she hosted last school year, and her family in Reims, France. Photo courtesy of Nicole Burton
During a family vacation, Nicole Burton, 11, visited Amaryllis Simon, who she hosted last school year, and her family in Reims, France. Photo courtesy of Nicole Burton

Last spring, a number of students enrolled in French classes hosted students from France. This year 12 of those students and four others are traveling to France to stay in Reims, a city two hours outside of Paris, from Nov. 5-17.

“I am looking forward to seeing my exchange student, Rachel, again. I’ve always wanted to go to France,” Sarah Litto, senior, said. “I think it will teach me how much I don’t know French.”

They will be staying with host families in France; some students are staying with their former exchange students. The students go home from “school” everyday with the families. Some are even planning trips to Paris for the weekend. Four students going on the trip didn’t host a French student originally; but are able to go because others declined attending the trip due to other commitments.

“I am most excited to go back to the city that I love since I spent many of my childhood summers in Reims. I hope I learn about the life of teenagers in Reims, as well as the difference between their lives with the lives of teenagers in the U.S.,” Soleil Ozols, senior, said. “I’m still learning French, so I believe that my listening comprehension will benefit from this experience, but I don’t expect to come back speaking perfect French. I also hope that I will be able to perfect my French accent when speaking French.”

Students will visit museums, a winery, an old library, Cathedral, the town’s biscuit factory, City Hall, and French school while in France. This trip continues to strengthen the relationships across continents for these select French students.

“My family was able to go to Europe over the summer, so we met up with Amaryllis [her former exchange student] and her family for dinner. It was so much fun,” Nicole Burton, junior, said.

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McKenna Cooley is a senior this year as well as co-editor-in-chief with Karen Pegueros. This is her third year on staff. She enjoys writing news and feature stories. She is very excited about the upcoming year and the future of the website. Her favorite quote, which relates to her sport archery, is “An arrow can only be shot by being pulled back. When life is pulling you back with difficulties, it is about to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.”


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