Out with proficiencies, in with EOC exams

Hard at work, a student takes advantage of the serenity in the library to study for upcoming exams. (Photo by Ryann Heinlen)
Hard at work, a student takes advantage of the serenity in the library to study for upcoming exams. (Photo by Ryann Heinlen)

By Catelin Owens

Instead of taking proficiencies this year, there will be multiple new exams that all freshmen and sophomores are required to take.

 The End of Course exams for the freshmen will be on Monday, May 18, and Wednesday, May 20, and will include ELA II and ELA I through IV. All freshmen currently in Algebra I, Geometry, and Geometry Honors must take the math exam.

 All sophomores who have taken or are currently enrolled in Algebra I, Geometry, or Geometry Honors will test on Tuesday, May 19 and Thursday, May 21.

There will be several alpha room break down lists posted around the school with the room numbers and the proctors according to students’  last names. Students should bring materials so they can study for final exams after completing the test. All electronic devices must be placed in a bag at the front of the room and students should bring an ID. There will be a 10-minute break to allow students to use the restroom, eat a snack, stretch or get a drink of water. Other than that, students will not be allowed to leave the classroom unless it is an emergency.

“Approach the exams the way you would approach the proficiencies. There will be questions you will not be able to answer, and it is ok. Don’t stress, just do your best,” Mrs. Delgado, assistant principal, said.