By Kacie Leach

Everyone has that one friend, that one friend who drives you crazy. That one friend who you enjoy hanging out with, yet she just makes you want to rip your hair out because she act as if the world belongs to her. That one friend who drives you absolutely bonkers, yet you still hang out with her because at the end of the day you guys have a fun time.
We all know that friend who is ridiculously unmotivated to get his license and expects those with a car to drive him around everywhere. The person who doesn’t know what the saying “gas money” means.
Driving someone to school is no problem, but being asked to drive this so called friend to their doctor’s appointments, mom’s work office to bring her lunch, or even to her boyfriend’s apartment is just way too far, respect wise and driving distance wise.
Gas doesn’t come free. Gas makes the car run, and the gas tank does not run on friendship. Parents don’t always pay for gas, and as a struggling student in school, the gas tank is nearly always on empty, and rarely past a half tank. If your good pal thinks that driving her across town without any gas money is going to fly, she needs to think again.
If you do not have your license, it is not rude to ask a friend with a car to drive you around, but make sure you have gas money available. Not only will the gas money run the car, but it will also make the friendship easier. No one wants to ask “Hey do you have gas money?” because asking anyone for money, apart from your mom, dad and rich nana is just an uncomfortable situation.
The unsaid agreement of having gas money for anyone who isn’t family drive you around is something that everyone should know and follow. No driver wants to ask for gas money, life would be great if we could drive our friends around willy-nilly, but unfortunately not everyone can do that. One morning on your way to get coffee, the car stops running, and you two are left stranded on the side of the road. Coffee-less and gas-less.
Having $10 a week if someone drives you to school everyday is a good amount. If you need a ride even just once, offer five bucks or even to buy lunch. Having little peace offerings or small amounts of cash for gas, will make everyone at ease.
Gas isn’t cheap, but friendships are priceless. Don’t ruin a relationship by expecting the gas tank to run for free.