NHS hosts annual “Pennies for Patients” campaign


By Haley King

While organizing the money collected for “Pennies for Patients”, Ms. McSorley, advisor, counts the change NHS collected. Photo by Haley King
While organizing the money collected for “Pennies for Patients,” Ms. McSorley, advisor, counts the change NHS collected. Photo by Haley King

National Honor Society hosted the annual “Pennies for Patients” campaign. It started Tuesday, Feb. 16 and ended Friday, Feb. 26.

“Coronado has been participating in the campaign for the past few years. This is not the first time we have done it, nor will it be the last. NHS will do anything for a good cause like this one,” NHS treasurer, Brannon Kan, senior, said.

NHS encouraged students to bring in coins and place them in the designated “Pennies for Patients” collection box. All donations will go directly to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. NHS hoped to raise at least $1000, but fell a bit short of their goal. Mr. Anderson’s class collected the most money and received a doughnut party. The runners up were Mrs. Klimas and Mrs.Thompson.

“The campaign gives our members the opportunity to go out and socialize with people, making that connection, all while helping raise money for Leukemia patients,” Kan said.

Since 1994, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has raised millions of dollars in pennies and other spare change from more than 10 million elementary, middle, and high school students throughout the country. The funds are collected during a three-week period.

“I think the drive is a great organization. I like that the proceeds go directly to one cause, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society because we know the exact cause we are supporting,” Mrs. McSorley, adviser, said.