Prank friends and family this April Fools’ Day


By Meagan Young

April fools picture copy
During the passing period, Nadia Boeckh and Kasey Dressler, 11, prank Tommy Fraley, 10, with a letter and confetti. Photo by Lauren Smith

April 1 also known as April Fools’ Day is a 24-hour period for practical jokes and hoaxing friends and family. Even though it is not recognized as a holiday, it has been a tradition among many throughout the world since the 1500s.

One of the most popular pranks is a food blunder. Everyone loves Oreos and a simple way to get back at siblings is to switch the icing of an Oreo with toothpaste. Do this by scraping out the delicious frosting and replacing it with the paste by spooning it onto one cookie and then placing the other cookie on top. After doing this to each Oreo, put them back into the package and back into the pantry. All that is left to do is to wait for a trusting Oreo-lover to get the surprise of his or her life.

An easy way to trick your family, is to take eggs from the refrigerator and hard boil them.  After hardboiling, refill the egg carton and put it back in the refrigerator.  When someone goes to cook breakfast or dinner using eggs, not being able to crack and our the eggs will be very confusing. Another harmless egg prank is to hard boil eggs, and then peel them and cover them in melted chocolate to resemble a chocolate Easter egg. This will surely anger whomever is being pranked.

Another less time-consuming prank to pull on a friend or classmate is to write a message on an paper or plastic cup and leave it upside down on a table to allude to something horrible being trapped under. The message could say “Do not lift unless you are willing to kill it,” and this will surely make anyone nervous about what may or may not be under the cup.

A fun prank to pull on someone that will not put the person being pranked on your bad side, is to put fun-colored confetti in front of their defroster vents or air vents in their car.  When the car is turned on, confetti will go everywhere, like a little party. An alternative to this is to take a letter or card for someone, and place confetti on the inside of the letter, and in the bottom of the envelope. When it is opened, confetti will fly everywhere. This is sure to make someone smile. The only thing left to do is clean up, but this can be done quickly and in no time by running a vacuum, and voila, it’s like nothing ever happened.

Good pranks are tried and tested hoaxes that have been played on friends and family alike.  Some pranks create a laugh and others anger the person being pranked.  But while practical pranks are funny in the moment, some can damage or hurt someone or something. It is important to be responsible for when doing pranks, and be sure to remedy a situation when necessary.