Senior Spotlight: Colin Cho designs his destiny


By Angeli LaGuardia

Hats off/ Performing “Teddy Bear”, senior Colin Cho practices his notes. Colin Cho loved singing “Teddy Bear” with the rest of boys Barbershop for his senior year. Photo by Angeli LaGuardia

Although born with the first name Colin, most people refer to this six-foot, boisterous Korean as Cho. Dedicated and unwavering, Cho dropped his AP classes to fully commit to his passion of music and graphic design. You’ll hear him before you see him; whether he is belting bass notes, practicing instruments or simply laughing with friends, you can always find Cho bouncing from room to room of the 400s hallway or running to yearbook. The arts are simply more than just mundane high school extracurriculars. For Cho, it’s his life.

Constantly on the move to explore new interests, Cho insists on keeping his hobbies diverse. Cho avidly participates in marching band, concert band, musical pit, orchestra, madrigals, concert choir, men’s barbershop, honor choir, yearbook and computer design.

“I have this undeniable side of me where I consistently want to try new things,” Cho said. “Being able to express myself by exploring various music genres, learning new instruments, and programming on the computer is what makes me happiest.”

Joining choir two years ago, Cho never envisioned that he would be apart of the group he is in now. A keystone singer for madrigals and concert choir, Cho leads as one of the bass section leaders, where he teaches his fellow Bass singers how to read and perform new music.

“I love how choir gives me the opportunity to be vocally expressive,” Cho said. “I marvel at how amazing the human voice can fluctuate through song. Choir also lets me learn about different cultures through the various literatures we sing.”

Versatile and gifted, Cho easily switches his preference of instruments that he enjoys playing through his band and orchestra career. Playing tenor saxophone for marching band and baritone saxophone for concert band just isn’t enough for this prodigy, as he switches to contrabass clarinet for the spring season. As if playing three instruments wasn’t enough, Cho also involves himself in orchestra where he plays clarinet.

If Cho isn’t occupied playing instruments, he is busy as Band’s Logistics Captain, where he organizes the travel flow of instruments. Cho oversees marching band props by carefully loading them on and off the trailer while also transporting all personal instruments to their owners on the field.

“Cho is an enterprising individual who always puts the needs of the band before his own,” band member senior Christian Romo said. “We wouldn’t work as efficiently without him; he’s the perfect logistics captain that we all love and need.”

Cho also finds solice in visual arts with yearbook and computer design. Although Cho has a neverending to-do list of musical priorities, he is dedicated to yearbook as it is his third year on staff. As yearbook’s co-reference editor, Cho is in charge of creating mugshot and group photo pages. You can find most of his work in this year’s freshman pages, sophomore page, performing arts pages, and student art page of the yearbook.

“I have this other organized-creative passion within me, which is why I felt called to be apart of yearbook,” Cho said. “I really strive to contribute my best work for yearbook, even at times that it seemed almost impossible for me to balance and accomplish my yearbook goals.”

Cho plans on attending Boise State University. Boise has offered Cho $19,000 to be apart of their academic program, become a member of Blue Thunder Marching Band and their vocal department. Cho aspires to double major in choral music education and graphic design or music performance for operatic theatre.

“My true aspiration that comes with pursuing a musical career, is to help spread the joys that come with music to future generations,” Cho said. “Music has not only helped me find my place in this world, but has simultaneously allowed me to meet my best friends for life and my beautiful girlfriend, Brianna.”

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Angeli LaGuardia is a senior, and one of the newest additions to the news team. She’s interested in trend pieces but looks forward to stepping out of her comfort zone and writing a variety of other articles. Although she is an avid lover of writing and journalism, Angeli is mostly known for her passion for singing and being involved in Madrigals and Concert Choir. Outside of school, Angeli loves to spend her time at church and play volleyball with friends. Following graduation, she hopes to pursue journalism or music.


  1. yall should have a story called “clown of the day” where u go around and do features of todays school clowns

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