Rewriting the script with Channel 6


by Madison Kitch

Good Morning Coronado// Writing the daily broadcast script, junior Vincent Scarpulla works diligently. The announcements are done a day in advance, but that could be changed with the new system. (Photo by Madison Kitch)

The 2022-2023 school year already has many changes underway, Coronado’s Channel 6 News is no exception. Channel 6 is planning to switch to a pre-recorded show next year. They’re switching to avoid small, avoidable errors that may occur when airing a live show.

“When I came here, I found out that we were a live production, and that worried me a little bit,” broadcast teacher Mr. Garner said. “I thought to myself, ‘Why aren’t we pre-recording? We can fix so much in post that we can’t fix if we are live.’”

With these developments, the Video Production class will be held during first period next year. This way, students can film the show and then edit any mistakes or even re-record. This will allow the students to ensure that each show is ready for viewing. Last-minute mistakes are often easily avoidable, but still need to be fixed.

“I think we should go to a pre-recorded show this year,” junior Wyatt Wolanzyk said. “I don’t see why we’re live in the first place. Moving to a pre-recorded show would be less stressful. It might be more work, but it would give us a lot more control over the show.”

Students in broadcast have gone through ‘Video Production 1,’ a prerequisite elective used to train students in how to properly run the show and edit videos. This class is usually the first of three required for students to receive the Video Production CTE credit for graduation, but that’s also changing. The CTE Nevada requirements have changed to only two classes, meaning only the Video Production 1 class and one year of Video Production are needed to get the CTE credit. This means juniors who join the class will receive the CTE credit for two years, whereas in the past they wouldn’t have received credit because they didn’t have the necessary three years of training. 

This credit change is slowly being applied to all CTE classes, like Auto and Culinary. This will allow more people to graduate with the Advanced Honors diploma, which is the only one that requires a CTE credit. Keep an eye out for Broadcast’s features and pre-recorded shows next year.

“Most high school students will never experience all that their school has to offer, like culinary or Student Council,” junior Kyle Trihn said. “With Broadcast, I get to experience everything a little bit.”

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Madison Kitch is a senior and this year’s Editor-In-Chief for The Roar. This is her fourth year on staff, and she’s excited to end her high school experience on a good note. She enjoys hanging out with her friends but values her time alone more than anything. Her favorite movie is Good Will Hunting, and she enjoys rewatching Bojack Horseman and Gilmore Girls in her minimal spare time. Some of her favorite artists include PJ Harvey, Liz Phair, Pixies, and Green Day. Madison doesn’t know where she plans to go to college yet, but she knows she’ll love it, no matter what.