Maddie Rowles shines through senior year


By Kiley Brown

Feeling nostalgic over this year’s choir selection, Madrigal selection leaders Maddie Rowles (left) and Anya Wong (right) reminisce over past pieces at the piano bench. Photo by Kiley Brown.

Art has always had a huge impact on Maddie Rowles’ life, ever since fifth grade to be exact. From choreographing the choir spring concert, to creating pieces for AP studio art, she strives to make her senior year the best one yet.

“I just began to draw and paint whenever I could,” Rowles said. “I wasn’t very good, but it was a healthy outlet for me to express my emotions. In middle school I was really into musical theater and performed in a lot of shows at Hollywood Kids Academy,”

In high school, Rowles became more passionate about pursuing her musical path, beginning with theater. She was the first freshman ever to be cast as a lead and earned the lead role for the musical, “How to Succeed.”

“Theater is what inspired me to get into choir,” Rowles said. “Although I loved theater, I was more interested in the musical part of it. I like working with groups, and since I’m a good leader I wanted to help others with singing and confidence.”

Rowles was chosen to compete in the high school musical theatre awards, where 20 of the best high school actors were chosen, however she has also competed at Smith’s Center by singing a solo.

“Although I didn’t win, being selected for the competition was a huge honor,” Rowles said. “I had a great time performing at one of the coolest places in town.”

Last year, Rowles multitasked in the production of “Beauty and the Beast” at Coronado, she choreographed and performed the lead role, Belle.

“It was very rewarding to see the vision come to life,” Rowles said. “This was one of my favorite events I’ve worked on senior year, and I had a great time to be able to be apart of it.”

This year Rowles took AP Studio Art, where students are given guidelines for eight technical pieces and eight concentration pieces.

“Maddie is a very talented artist. She is a hard worker that is not afraid to take chances to let her creativity shine,” Ms. McGreal, art teacher said. “I wish her all the best in everything she does.”

Technical or “breadth” pieces are composed of different styles, mediums, and perspectives which are used to showcase artistic skill, and concentration pieces consist of a theme that each artist can choose to explore and communicate through their works.

“For my concentration pieces, I chose social injustice. I want to bring attention to large issues, from sexual trafficking and being on our phones too much. I just want to make a change,” Rowles said.

Mr. Fleischer, the choir teacher, has been a big inspiration to Maddie throughout her years in high school. She took concert choir in middle school, but stopped until she got into Madrigals sophomore year. Maddie has been section leader for altos for the Madrigals for three years, alongside co-president Anya Wong.

“He makes coming to school fun and worth it. He cares so much about each and every one of us and makes everyone feel special and loved. It’s a healthy and safe place to be, and he’s taught me so much about loving people unconditionally no matter what they’re going through. We all sing with one voice,” Rowles said.

Anya and Maddie were elected this year to be choir co-presidents together, as well as section leaders over their represented selections in Madrigals.

“My favorite part about of being in choir is the people I have the honor to meet and call my family, choir is like my second home,” Anya Wong, senior said. “It has been so fun to work side by side with Maddie; she is truly amazing. Not only is she supportive and helpful, she is overall a wonderful person with the kindest spirit. Working with her has taught me so many things, and I am so grateful I was able to spend my senior year with her.”

Currently, Maddie works at a Disney princess agency, and dresses as princesses for kids’ birthday parties. Mr. Fleischer is the one to thank for this unique job; he believed she looked a lot like Belle.

“It’s very fun to say your job in high school is to do this, and I love bringing joy to the kids and say that magic exist,” Rowles said.

In the future, she is attending Brigham Young University (BYU) college in Hawaii. Although she is unsure of what she wants to do there, she does have different options of paths she can take.

“I want to possibly major in art education and minor in psychology and intercultural peace building. I’m super excited; it’s an awesome opportunity.” Rowles said.

As Cougars wind down this year, Rowles would like to provide advice to fellow students to keep pushing these last few days of school.

“Be confident in yourself. Know that you’re important, special, and loved. Seperate yourself from toxic people in your life, and focus on what makes you happy,” Rowles said.


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Kiley Brown is a senior, and it is her third year on staff. She listens to music as much as possible and enjoys writing entertainment pieces. In her free time, Kiley enjoys biking, re-watching “The Office” and “Parks and Recreation” for the millionth time, and hanging out with friends. Kiley is happy to be apart of “The Roar” again and hopes to have a great last year.