Gifting leads to giving

Student donates Target gift card to homeless youth drive.  (Photo by Ashly Riches)
Student donates Target gift card to homeless youth drive.
(Photo by Ashly Riches)


By Scarlett Gambit

There are over 8,000 homeless youth and families in the Clark County Community. The Channel 6 Broadcast team is helping Title I HOPE by encouraging everyone on campus to donate grocery store gift cards in second period classes during the week of March 31 to April 4.

“I think it’s a cool way for our school to get involved in charity. We’re helping kids just like us,” Kami Deike, sophomore, said.

Gift card donations from any grocery store are appreciated in the hopes of helping homeless youth in the Clark County community. Please donate gift cards in the envelope that will be passed around by second period teachers.

Another way for teachers and staff to help is by going online to and creating an account. Scroll down to community rewards and enter the number 68292. By doing this, every time you swipe your Smith’s card, a donation will be made to Title I HOPE.