Meetings build suspense for Grad Nite


By Bekah Denny

Discussing their plans for Grad Nite seniors Ava Trompeter and John Dougherty look at the flier for the first round of mandatory meetings leading up to it. Photo by Bekah Denny

In preparation for the class of 2018’s last hurrah, seniors are invited to attend one of three meetings discussing Grad Nite on Feb. 6, 7, and 8 in room 200 at 7:40 a.m. and room 812 at 2:20 p.m.

“This meeting is mandatory to go on the trip,”  Mr. Johnson, senior class adviser, said. “If you want to go you must be a good student and on track to graduate as well. There are a lot of steps involved, but it’s worth it.”

At the meeting, each student will receive a packet outlining the requirements needed to attend, along with a Grad Nite form. This application verifies that the students do not have any fines and is recommended for the trip by their teachers. Students must also get a dean’s approval and a parent/guardian’s signature.

“We ask for students’ citizenship and deans and bankers approval to ensure that everyone who attends the trip has earned their spot because we do have limited spots available,” student council member Nicole Cabanlong, senior, said.

After this informational meeting, there will be one final meeting in room 812 where students will fill out a Medical Permission Form and have their parent/guardian sign guidelines and field trip permission papers. Seniors must also have their “On Track to Graduate” form handed in to their counselors by March 6.

Student Council will send the list of student finalists who are approved to go on the trip through the Senior Remind101 and post it outside of room 812. The first 250 seniors on the list to pay the $160 during the week of March 12-16 will go on the trip. The money must be given to the banker before or after school during that week.

Grad Nite is at Magic Mountain Six Flags and is a school-hosted event where seniors get the park to themselves for 21 hours to finish off their high school careers. Seniors will start loading the busses directly after school at 2:30 p.m. on May 24 and are estimated to arrive back to campus at 12:00 p.m. on May 25.

“It is a bonding experience for seniors to share together before we go our separate ways; it’s ‘the last field trip ever’ in a sort of way,” student council member Josh Sullivan, senior, said.