Open House welcomes parents


By Oliver Van Aken

Take Notes/ Science teacher Ms. Noto addresses parents and guardians of students at Open House last year. Open House will be held on Thursday, Sept. 12. Photo courtesy of The Prowl

Teachers and staff will host Open House on Thursday, Sept. 12 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Parents or guardians are encouraged to attend the event while students are also permitted.

“I generally like Open House because it’s a good chance to meet the parents and see where the kids come from,” English teacher Mr. Hurt said. “I put up projects on the wall, so the parents can see what we are doing in class and find out some information about their kids that they might not know.”

Parents will attend a downsized version of their children’s class schedules at Open House. During these classes, teachers will use this opportunity to inform parents of basic information about the class. Many teachers will also display projects that their students have completed over the past month for their parents to observe.

“I think Open House is a great experience for parents and teachers,” freshman Theodore Johnson said. “I’m excited for my parents to go to my classes and meet my teachers.”

Prior to the event, parents and guardians should check their child’s schedule and classroom numbers in order to attend the correct classes. To see a map of Coronado High School click here.

Bell Schedule

Opening Program in your child’s first-period class from 6:00 to 6:10.

Period 1:…………………………………………………….6:10 to 6:20

Period 2:…………………………………………………….6:25 to 6:35

Period 3:…………………………………………………….6:40 to 6:50

Period 4:…………………………………………………….6:55 to 7:05

Period 5:…………………………………………………….7:10 to 7:20

Period 6:…………………………………………………….7:25 to 7:35

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Oliver Van Aken is a Junior, and this is his 3rd year on “The Roar” staff. This is also his 2nd year being editor, this year he is Opinion Editor. Oliver loves writing features and opinion pieces, especially ones related to current events. In his spare time he enjoys gardening, yoga, reading, and finding new music. He also performs community service work through Young Men’s Service League. Oliver intends on finishing High School and going to college for a degree Journalism/Economics.