Cougar stadium lights up night canceled


By Myleigh Amrhein

Cougar pride/ The Cougar stadium hosts some of the biggest school events. Students, families and friends can participate in “Light Up the Night” on Friday, April 17 at 8:00p.m. Photo by Madison Kitch

Editor’s note: Following instructions from CCSD this event has been canceled.

Students, families and friends can participate in “Light Up the Night” on Friday, April 17 at 8:00 p.m. Participants will drive by the Coronado stadium lights to cheer, honk and show support. The event will last 20 minutes. 

“Light Up the Night” is a nationwide movement in support of spring athletes, the class of 2020 and medical personnel. Friends and family should follow social distancing guidelines and stay in their cars. The parking lot will be closed. This is not a time to gather and socialize.

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Myleigh Amrhein is a Junior, and this is her second year on “The Roar” staff. Myleigh is also in teaching and training 3 at school. She works at Chick-fil-A, so she spends her time there or hanging out with her friends from work. She also spends her extra time hanging out with her family and playing with her dogs. She loves photography and loves to take pictures of her friends and family.