Productivity during online school


By Valerie Perez 

Type Away! / With school being online, students have to adapt to the new changes at home. Working at a desk is shown to be one of the best methods to working productively. Photo by Valerie Perez

With the quick change of in-person school transitioning to online school, new struggles have risen. Having the freedom to be in bed while in a class meeting or falling asleep a minute after the class is finished may seem fulfilling at the time, however, as days and weeks go by, it can be hard to stay on top of assignments. With distractions everywhere and a lack of motivation, school can go from being stress-free to a total disaster. 

Plan a schedule 

Now that teachers can’t force students to do their work during class, homework can easily pile up since there’s no obligation to do it right then and there. Creating a schedule to follow during the day will help to keep assignments and homework up to date, leading to feeling less stressed late at night. Though anyone can make a routine, it will only be effective if the routine is consistent. Make a routine similar to that of a school routine; create designated times for certain subjects with breaks in between. This allows for a sense of control over the day, rather than being overwhelmed thirty minutes before 11:59pm with multiple assignments due.

“After school, I give myself plenty of time to do my homework, so I know that I’m completing it correctly,” junior Heaven Brown said. “Usually I work in my room to make sure there are no distractions keeping me from doing my work.”

Create a workspace 

Though the thought of planning a whole routine to complete every day may feel unmotivating, building a space that inspires and helps promote a positive outlook might interest others. Sitting in bed or laying on a couch isn’t the smartest when trying to be productive. The likelihood of dozing off is much higher when you’re surrounded by blankets and pillows. Working at a table or desk with the essential materials in view will help to complete more tasks. Studies show that the space, lighting and color of the designated working area heavily affects behavior and productivity. This means the most important aspect of creating an effective work space is to make sure the setting is comfortable, welcoming and best fit for success; this may be looking out of a window, working outside or simply in a bedroom. 

“While working on homework, I like to play classical music in the background,” sophomore, Adriana Moreno said. “Listening to classical music in my room helps me to concentrate and retain the information better.”

Eliminate distractions 

The next step towards creating a productive workspace is taking away distractions that may keep from being focused to the task at hand. According to Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, studies show that having a device in close proximity reduces a person’s ability to focus because of the temptation to check what’s on the phone. Now that teachers aren’t there to take away phones and be strict on the “No phone rule,” scrolling on social media is easier than ever. Turning on “Do not disturb mode” or simply putting away anything that is a distraction will help. If doing so is a hard task, separate time for studying and take breaks sporadically. 

“I do schoolwork in my home office so that way I feel obligated to do something productive,” junior Jonathon Pantelas-Hemmers said. “I force myself to finish everything that is due the next day before I can consider taking leisure time.”

Stay Social 

With online school, there’s no longer as much in-person interaction. Asking for help is not as easy as it was since no one is sitting next to each other. Keeping contact with friends and classmates helps to stay connected to classes, and working on assignments and projects together can inspire everyone to get work finished. This can help to relieve the feeling of being alone during school and create collaborations.

Solely doing school online may be a difficult change for some students, but with some simple adjustments, it can lead to a more productive and successful year. 

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Valerie Perez is a junior and has been on “The Roar” staff for three years and counting. Lately, Valerie has been addicted to sleeping in and listening to music by her favorite artists Cuco and Bad Bunny. She loves to go out and spend time with friends but loves to be by herself just as much. Valerie is very dedicated to school and getting good grades, yet she always finds time to be easily distracted and procrastinate.