College Board’s plan for 2021 AP exams


By Maya Fankulewski

Practice makes perfect/ Studying for the ACT with prep books is a great way to prepare for the exams in may. Dhanvi Yuvaraj reads her AP Lang prep book to study for the digital exam. Photo by Maya Fankulewski

With this school year being different than any year before, it has been unclear how the AP exams will be taken. Although lots of rules regarding the AP exams have changed, students still need to score at least a 3 to get credit for the class. Making a plan to administer these tests required some creative thinking.

The College Board decided that there will be an option to take the AP exams in person or online. The exams will be full length this year, and if they are to be taken online, then students will not be able to go back and change any previous answers. This stipulation is only for online exams in order to prevent cheating. While AP students will be taking the online exams at the same time, each question will be in a different order. This makes cheating impossible because every student will be on a different question and will not be able to change answers they previously picked. 

“I understand that this prevents cheating on the online exams, but I feel like it will make it harder for me to get a high score,” junior Dhanvi Yuvaraj said. “I usually go back and check that I answered each question correctly.”

This year, the College Board is also allowing full refunds to students who no longer want to take the exams. Students who choose not to take the exams can still pass the class, they just won’t get the college credit. In order to get credit for an AP class, you must score at least a 3 on the exam. The highest someone can get is a 5, the lowest a 1. After receiving backlash from students, the College Board decided that cameras will not be required during the online exams. Students taking the online exams will need a computer or laptop, and phones are prohibited. If the exams are to be taken in-person, students will be required to wear masks and social distance. 

“I appreciate that they are giving full refunds this year,” sophomore Iga Morgas said. “I’m still deciding if I want to take the AP World History exam this spring.”

Preparing for AP exams may be more difficult for some students this year because of online learning. A great way to prepare for an AP exam is to buy a prep book. If someone is planning on taking the APUSH exam, then buying the Princeton APUSH prep book may be helpful when studying for it. Don’t forget that AP teachers are here to answer and explain questions.

Marco Learning has been updating AP students on social media such as TikTok and Instagram on how the AP exams are to be taken this spring. To learn specific information about your AP exams, sign into the College Board website, and go to the AP section. There, information about the time and day of the AP exams for in-person and digital will show. In-person exams are to be taken at Coronado High School, and students who are planning on taking the exams in-person are expected to show up on time. Make sure to fill out the AP Exam Information Survey to let Coronado High School know whether you’re taking the exams in-person or digitally. The College Board also shows the duration of each exam you are registered for and other important information.

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Maya Fankulewski, junior, is a second year writer for “The Roar.” She enjoys writing features and opinion pieces. In her free time, she hangs out with her friends, practices the piano and volunteers in the community. In addition, Maya enjoys traveling and trying new things. She hopes to pursue a career that involves journalism.