Men’s Varsity Soccer

The Cougars take to the field against the Liberty Patriots on a sunny Thursday. Coronado has had a winning streak so far, with a tie against Eldorado. (Photo courtesy of Hayley Colvin)

by Brianna Gracia

The Coronado Men’s Varsity Soccer team faced the Liberty Patriots in their home conference on Thursday, October 13 2022. With the support of their audience, the team was motivated to victory with a final score of 7-0.

The Cougars are heavily coordinated with each other, so teamwork is no foreign task. The team focused heavily on middlefield attacks. Attacking is the transition in which the ball moves into an open space to receive a pass.

“We used our midfielders to our advantage,” freshman Brody Breeden said. “When they got the ball it was easier for us to attack and cause opportunities for us to score.” 

The first five minutes can make or break a game’s outcome, and this conference truly showed that. Thanks to the team’s incredible offense, the Cougars were able to secure the lead in the first half. After that, players had confidence in the team’s ability to push through. While the team worked as one unit, there were two players that stood out in this game.

“Two notable players were Francisco Avila and Anthony Sena,” junior David Baumann said. “Both players had one goal and two assists.” 

Goals are awarded to those who are able to send the ball past the enemy goalie and into the net. Assists are granted to those who were responsible for the pass that led to the goal. Soccer is a fast paced sport, but it’s important to never rush the game. The team is exceptionally skilled in their attacks, but reflected that there is always room to grow. 

“The team could improve on,” freshman Brody Breeden said. “We need to work on possessing the ball for longer periods instead of forcing the play,” 

It’s always crucial to keep a balance between attacking and defending. As one could tell, Men’s Varsity’s attacking strategy carried this conference. Some players felt they could’ve improved on their defensive side, though. 

“Everyone played amazing,” said junior David Baummann. “But one thing we could improve on are the defensive fouls,” junior David Baumann said. 

Catch Coronado’s Men’s Varsity soccer team at their next home conference against Spring Valley on Monday, October 17th, at 4:30pm.