Cross country competes at state level


By Lauren Smith

Waiting for their race to begin, the women’s cross-country team reflects on their accomplishments over the past season. Photo Courtesy of Megan Denter.
Waiting for their race to begin, the women’s cross-country team reflects on their accomplishments over the past season. Photo Courtesy of Megan Denter.

The men’s and women’s cross-country team competed in the Division 1 State Meet on Saturday, Nov. 7 at Rancho San Rafael Park in Reno, Nevada. The men’s team finished seventh overall, while the girls trailed closely behind to secure eighth place.

The men’s team was led by senior captains Graham Griffin and Xavier Cummins. The junior captains were Matthew Candelaria and Nathan Cromwell. The men raked in a total of 174 points to win seventh place overall and defeated Arbor View and Centennial High School.

The ladies excelled at the meet with a box score of 194. They beat out Foothill High School for eighth place by 52 points. The women’s team captains were seniors Danielle Greene, Megan Denter, Tristin Sanders, and Jessica Attebery.

“Our team’s successes was definitely due to the coaching of Coach Tondryk and everyone’s dedication,” Denter said.

The cross-country team has dominated each meet all season. The women’s team finished in second place in the Sunrise Region right behind Green Valley High School. Just behind Green Valley and Basic High School, the men’s team earned third place at regionals.

“My greatest accomplishment this season was when I broke a 17-minute 3.1 mile time. I am also proud that I was able to be a leader for the junior varsity team,” Griffin said.