By Kiley Brown
“Stranger Things,” which premiered on Netflix in July 2016, continues to be one of the most talked about original series, along with “13 Reasons Why.” According to Symphony Advanced Media, season one averaged around 14 million adult viewers (aged 18-49) in its first month. Numbers for season two haven’t been released yet, but it wouldn’t be a surprise if this season’s viewership increased dramatically.
The original gang returns; however, there are some fresh faces, Maxine (Max), played by Sadie Sink, and her step-brother Billy, (Dacre Montgomery) moved from California to Hawkins, Indiana, adding more interest to the show. Joyce also has a new boyfriend Bob Newby, played by Sean Astin. The two went to high school together, and he now manages the local Radio Shack. Bob was a great addition for Joyce, she finally gets a chance to relax.
Season two starts nearly a year after season one on Halloween. Will joins his squad again after from being rescued from the Upside Down. But not all is well; in the ending moments of the last episode of season one, Will coughs a slug up into the sink. Will has been through a lot the past year, and the fact that he is still recovering is sad. Meanwhile, Joyce attempts to make things adequate for her sons. As she dates her old high school classmate, Bob, she feels that he is a positive father figure in her sons’ lives. The arrival of siblings, Max and Billy create a new and mysterious tone in Hawkins. These characters make the show much more engaging and provide a bit of romance to the plot.
Last season was more of an introduction of the eerie events happening. Season two is a lot more action packed: more characters and creatures are revealed, which make new problems, and left me on the edge of my seat. The 80’s nostalgia is also more prominent which was enjoyable.
Despite the fact that some viewers multitask their Netflix shows, with homework and other activities, “Stranger Things,” maintains a devoted audience and keeps them wanting more.