Swim and Dive 4/1

Racing the Relay// Swimmers get ready to dive in for the last leg of the relay. The 400 free consists of each swimmer swimming ¼ of the race, or 100 yards each. (Photo courtesy of Dominik Toth)

by Logan Harms

On Saturday, April 1, the Coronado Swim and Dive team faced off against the Green Valley Gators. The Coronado men’s team won 158 to 83, and the women won 168 to 66. 

“A lot of my teammates improved this meet,” senior Dominik Toth said. “There were some errors in attending races, but overall people worked on improving their techniques and swimming their hardest.”

There were plenty of amazing heats and dives this weekend. Coronado won several of their races and women’s diver Kacey Hu smashed a previous varsity record in the 1-Meter with six dives and a score of 280.20. 

“We swam pretty good, there were a few races we could work on, but overall we had a good meet against Green Valley,” junior Rylan Miao said. 

The next swim meet is on the 14th and 15th of April, and the team will be traveling out of town to the splendiferous lands of Walnut, California.